Sip Story: Starbucks Pike Place x Black Buck

Black Buck by Mateo Askaripour


This is one of those books that captures you from the start, and takes you on a total roller coaster.

Mateo ’s voice is fresh and original. He writes about topics in a way that opens up our minds and hearts - all through his snarky commentary and satire.

Everyone should read this book, and pick up a “sales lesson” or two.

⭐️☕️Drink: Although I didn’t make the drink myself - there was no better drink than one of my favorite Starbuck’s picks. A Pike Place Roast. Read the description below to find out why.


“There’s nothing like a Black salesman on a mission.”

22 year old Darren is the star employee at a Starbucks in the lobby of a corporate office building in the heart of Manhattan. He grew up in Bed-Stuy and graduated top of his class at Bronx Science, yet never really had the drive to live up to his full potential.

One day, he decides to convince a usual customer to change their order, not realizing he was talking to the CEO of the ‘culty’ hottest tech start up in the country - Sumwun. Before he even knows what’s really happening, he is whisked away to the thirty-sixth floor and is persuaded to join Sumwun’s sales team.

He quickly get’s re-branded as “Buck”, and endures the trials and tribulations of being the only black salesman in the entire company. The experience leads him down a path that he is not proud of, and when his personal life entirely falls apart he realizes it’s time to make a change.

📖Read the story to see how Buck not only turns his life around, but changes generations of young people of color’s lives ahead of him.

Anna Price

As the Director of Operations and Co-Leader of The Price Group, she has worked alongside her Mom Natalya Price since the very beginning. Anna is a woman of character and purpose, that is very apparent in her actions. She has a high-profile background in digital marketing and has trained over 500 real estate agents on how to best market and build their businesses. She believes success is an art form. Anna’s tenacity, perseverance and passion for real estate has made her highly respected among real estate professionals and adored by her clients. She is known for her gentle yet firm, assertive but not aggressive, and unyielding tenacious advocate for the relentless pursuit of her client’s real estate goals. Anna treasures working with clients from a variety of backgrounds and helping them achieve their real estate objectives. She truly appreciates the hard work that it takes to build a life of value and achievement, always seeking excellence. When Anna is not out in the field, you can catch her coming up with a new recipe, blogging on The Price Opinion, planning her next big trip around the world, staying current with the latest technology and striving to find the perfect cup of coffee. Anna resides in Summit with her loving family.

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